Empty Nest

As the last child enters college or leaves home for an extended or maybe final time, some parents find themselves "out of sorts." This phenomenon is often referred to as "empty nest syndrome," and while it is not a diagnosable disorder as such, it can be a real crisis for some individuals.
The feelings/behaviors of parents going through "empty nest" are a form of grief, or in severe cases, depression. They include, among other symptoms, sadness, hopelessness, lack of focus, identity-role confusion, excessive worry/anxiety about the child(ren), and fatigue. While often being attributed to females, these symptoms can be experienced by many men too, as fathers are taking on an increasing contribution to the day-to-day activities of the children/teens.
I can help you prepare for the inevitable time when the kids will move away so that this transition of life will be more smooth for you. If you find yourself experiencing "empty nest" right now, I will help you resolve these feeling so that you can redefine a new sense of purpose and productivity, and even start learning to love this unique time in adult development.
If you have questions contact us.